Sunday, January 30, 2011

Tensile Test, Part One

Tensile Test:
    Tensile test is a simple test, wherein the specimen in question is subjected to uni-axial load (pulled apart) till failure. This test is used to plot the stress - strain curve there by coming to conclusion about
  • Yield point
  • Elasticity limit
  • Point of  Proportionality
  • and lot more factors including, true breaking stress, fracture point load, ...

   A sample of specimen is taken, and is pulled apart in apparatus known as Universal testing machine. The length and cross section area of sample are decided as per our needs. Nomenclature of the specimen is shown in figure.

    Once the equipment is set up, the load on the specimen is gradually increased noting down the stress and strain levels till the point of rupture (i.e. fracture). A typical curve for ductile materials is shown here:

In figure,
the points to be noted include: 
  • Proportionality zone .. i.e the zone where HOOK's law is valid
  • The region where elasticity is exhibited
  • The zone where material yields and plastic deformation happens
  • The ultimate tensile strength & the uniform elongation of specimen till then
  • The fracture point and the local necking which happens before fracture
 with warm regards

PS:  Some info has been taken from Wikipedia and from Please do refer to them for more info

Continue reading this article here


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  2. Great post!!Thanks for sharing it with us....really needed.TensileMill CNC offers small and large, high speed, machining centers designed to prepare the highest quality flat and round tensile specimens.With our intuitive and user friendly tensile software interface, we make it easy for any operator to control the machining process from start to finish with only a few buttons.Tensile Test Specimen Supply

  3. Thanks for your sharing. Textile Tensile Testing Machine, available with single and dual column frame with capacities of 250kgf, 500kgf, 1000kgf, 3000kg (500lbf, 1000lbf, 2000lbf, 6,000lbf) and include two model types, the M series, and the P series. These machines are designed to test a wide range of materials in tension, compression, flexure, shear, and peel.

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